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Frequently Asked Questions

Find questions to our most commonly asked questions, feel free to contact us if you can't find an answer. 

What is a Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) platform?

An SRM is a platform for managing all your data related to your stakeholder relationships and stakeholder engagement. With an SRM you can log, track, manage and report on all of your stakeholder engagement and consultation projects in one secure place. For a full explanation, see our blog ‘What is Stakeholder Relationship Management (SRM) Software?’

What is the difference between an SRM and a CRM?

While both systems offer a space to store data like contact information, overall, a CRM and an SRM are quite different. CRMs are designed around the sales process to help an organization push its customers through the sales funnel. For managing your stakeholder engagement and consultation, it doesn't make sense to use customer-focused software like a CRM. An SRM is made specifically for managing stakeholder relationships and your history of engagement with these stakeholders, including any communications, issues, and commitments. For a more thorough explanation, see our blog ‘SRM vs CRM: What’s the Difference?’

How secure is Jambo?

We work tirelessly to keep your data safe and secure with our features and commitments. Please visit our security page for more information.

Does Jambo comply with GDPR?

As a company offering a SaaS product to customers, including those in the EU, we are subject to GDPR compliance. To maintain GDPR compliance, our company adheres to the following principles and requirements.

At our core, we deeply understand the paramount importance our customers attach to privacy and security. Our commitment to continually adapt and enhance our practices to meet legal obligations is fundamental to our daily operations. Moreover, assisting our customers in their compliance efforts is
integral to our approach.

The relationships we build with our customers and the trust they instill in us are the very essence of our business, and we never take them for granted. Embracing GDPR presents us with yet another opportunity to uphold our legacy of safeguarding customer data. If you wish to find out more information, please email

Who owns my data?

Any data that you store in Jambo is owned by you. To ensure that your data is always protected, it is encrypted at rest and in transit. Even if you choose to end your subscription to Jambo, you can export everything from the platform, ensuring you always retain ownership of your data.

If I cancel my subscription, can I export my data?

Yes, if you decide not to renew your subscription, you can easily export all your data out of Jambo.

Can I import/migrate existing data into Jambo?

Yes, standard existing or legacy stakeholder data (like stakeholder contact lists or communication records) can be imported into Jambo using our easy import templates. Your Customer Success representative can work with you to assist with importing existing data during the Jambo onboarding process.

If you have an extensive amount of stakeholder engagement records that you want to migrate, contact us to discuss your needs.

Can I recover deleted data?

Yes, all your data is always secure. Your Customer Success representative can help restore deleted data. All changes are tracked in the ‘recent changes' feature that everyone can review (so you always know what was changed and by whom). Also, our project deletion process helps prevent the accidental deletion of projects.

What if something happens to Jambo? What happens to my data?

We have a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery process in place to secure data, recover quickly, and ensure business continuity, which includes running nightly backups to minimize the data lost between the last backup and the incident.

Can I increase the number of paid users within my subscription?

Yes, you can increase your users at any time, contacts your Customer Success representative to discuss your needs.

How many records/interactions/activities can I log?

There is no limit to the number of stakeholders or communication records (sometimes referred to as interactions or activities) that you can add to your Jambo account.

Once I sign up for Jambo, how long does implementation typically take?

While your account and the first project can be created in minutes, full setup and implementation for customers typically takes between 2-6 weeks. To make sure you get set up to get the most out of Jambo, our onboarding process includes a designated Customer Success representative who will give you a full tour of the system and help guide you through your first project creation. For a full explanation, check out our blog on Jambo’s Easy 5-Step Implementation Process.

How much does Jambo cost?

Every situation is different, and every team has a different goal. Jambo pricing depends on several factors, including the number of users and projects and any extras you may need/like to include in your subscription like add-on Jambo Packs, enhanced training, or onboarding. We work with organizations and government departments of all sizes to deliver the most suitable product for their needs. Visit our pricing page for more information or contact us so we can provide you with an accurate quote based on your organization's needs.

What support do you offer?

Our Customer Support team is available during business hours. Customers can always log a ticket through the Helpdesk portal or via email. Once you become a Jambo customer, you join the Jambo community meaning you can access the Jambo knowledge library of how-to articles and videos designed to augment and reinforce your initial training. Also, we regularly run free customer training webinars to explore new features and updates, or deep dive into things like the Jambo reports module or issues management.

Want to find out if Jambo is the right stakeholder
information management tool for your organization?

Book a demo to discuss your stakeholder engagement and consultation challenges. We want to help you determine whether Jambo is the right stakeholder engagement software for your team.

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