Jambo's centralized platform facilitates regulatory compliance by storing all engagement records in a secure, easily accessible location. Jambo helps streamline tracking your stakeholder engagement progress while reducing the administrative burden of responding to inquiries or audits.
Delivering large-scale infrastructure projects requires meticulous record-keeping and collaboration with various stakeholders, communities, and government agencies.
With Jambo, infrastructure development teams can securely manage all stakeholder engagement records, reducing operational and financial risk while demonstrating transparency in the public interest.
This empowers them to preserve critical information for future reference, ensuring accountability and compliance with regulatory requirements.
Multiple team members and contractors may engage with hundreds of stakeholders and communities.
You aim to ensure stakeholders feel heard and understood so they don't lose trust in the process.
Successfully staying on top of mitigations and issues is a challenging task.
It can take days to make reports, especially urgent requests for information.
If you’ve reached the point where there are too many conversations or touchpoints to keep track of, book a 15-minute call to talk about your stakeholder engagement and consultation challenges. We want to help you discover if Jambo is the right stakeholder relationship management software for your team.
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